Complete guide to create Regular Honeypot Token Contract (v1.0)

Smart Contract with honeypot.

Solidity. Compiler Version: 0.8.19.

Smart contract is suitable for such blockchains as Ethereum, BSC (BNB), Arbitrum.
And also for other EVM protocols.

how to create honeypot token, honeypot token, honeypot smart contract

Written by Robert T. Brannen (Programmer, Crypto Enthusiast)

01 Setting Up And Deploying a Contract Code

Your wallet is now connected to REMIX IDO. You can connect several wallets.
Installing REMIX IDE & MetaMask.
— Install the MetaMask Wallet on your computer. Сreate your own wallet / account.
— Open REMIX IDE in your browser. This application does not require registration.
— Connect MetaMask & Remix in a few steps:
1. Go to Remix IDE
2. Click to MetaMask Icon in your browser extensions / plugins.
3. Click the "Not connected" button and connect it.
— Back to Remix and create new file (in the File Explorer section)
— Name the new file as you wish. Don't forget to insert .sol after the name.
Example: TokenName.sol
Now you have the space to edit and write code. It's on the right.
— Copy and paste the code into the space.
CAUTION: Do not attempt to change any code or else it won't work
— Go to Solidity Compiler
— Select the compiler version that matches your smart contract

Preparation and Compilation of a Smart Contract

— Click "Compile"
If the compilation was successful, a green check mark will appear next to the compiler icon. ✅
At this point, you have successfully compiled your smart contract.
— Go to "Deploy & Run Transactions"
— In the "Environment" parameter, select MetaMask, since we are using the MetaMask wallet.
— Make sure that in the "Account" line it is your account that you linked to Remix in the first stages.
— In the "Contract" line, select TokenName

Deploying a smart contract.

Do not change other settings!
— On "Contract" section, select TokenName as contract.
— Next, click the little triangle as below to open token setting
Token customization (Name, symbol, etc.)
— Customize the name, symbol, and more of your token.
Name - full name of your coin.
Write the token name inside quotes "XXXXX"
Example: "Dogecoin"

Symbol - short name of your token (symbol).
Write the token symbol inside quotes "XXXXX"
Example: "DOGE"

Decimals - 18 (recommended to avoid errors).

TotalSupply - total number of tokens that will be in circulation.
If your decimals are 18 (recommended), then after you have chosen your total supply number you should write 18 more zeros at the end.
You total number of tokens is 1000000.
1000000 + 18 zeros = 1000000000000000000000000.
So you must write in the totalSupply column - 1000000000000000000000000.

Click "transact"
In the activity history of your wallet, you can find the smart contract deployment transaction. The transaction hash will contain all the data: smart contract address, how much was paid for gas fee, time, etc.
— Go to MetaMask
— Click on "Activity"
— Сlick on the Contract deployment (transaction)
— Click view on Block Explorer
We remind you that you need to hold a certain number of tokens of the network in which you are deploying the contract in order to pay for gas fees.
In the blockchain Ethereum, the native token is Ethereum.
In Binance Smart Chain, the native token is BNB.
And so on.
— Click on "confirm" on the transaction on your MetaMask extensions / plugin.
If nothing happen there, you need to connect MetaMask wallet to REMIX IDE.
Now you have sent a transaction to deploy your smart contract!
When it is completed, your Token Contract will appear on the blockchain.
Gas fees may vary, depending on the strength of the blockchain network in which you are deploying the contract.
Now your tokens are in the wallet from which you deployed the contract.

02 Verify Your Contract

03 Add Liquidity / DEX Listing

We advise you to add more liquidity, as this will generate more interest among investors.

Now you have deployed your smart contract and added liquidity to it so people can buy your token.

The honeypot function works automatically after the smart contract is deployed.
So, people will not be able to sell tokens immediately after purchasing.
This material is for testing and study purposes only, do not use it for bad purposes.

Written by Robert T. Brannen (Programmer, Crypto Enthusiast)